19 August
hehe~ today vivian, siew ing & i follow ms Tina go penang~
the main purpose sure is relax & EAT~ XD
1st place we go is follow ms Tina go see kids at tadika in a politeknik
kids there quite cute.. the chef there very nice, she prepare food & drinks for us (that time s during PUASA!)
1st place we go in Penang is go Hong Kong Shoe Store
ms Tina wanna take n repair her shoes
shoes there are handmade~ a bit expensive but quite worth, the owner got national price also
taste not bad.. bur quite expensive ><
then follow by the food which must try in Penang~
cendol~ (the most i like~^^)
asam laksa~
i dunno Penang got 三轮车also, i thought juz can see it in Melaka
then we go our Batu Feringgi
our motel is there
in front the beach~
the beach view very beautiful~
haha.. Vivian ENJOY on d chair XD
hmm.. look like ms Tina help Siew Ing 拍专辑 XD
we PACNIC beside the beach with new frieds-shally n a mom~(all r teachers~)
hehe.. At night we go find food at Anjung Gurney~
(bit blur @@)
fewfit~ siew ing help ms Tina urut~
part of our food that night~
the most nice is the rojak XD
20 August
morning~ we eat eastern food
(not very worth. i suggest next time dont even try have food in Batu Feringgi ><
there is for 游客, not suit for us who hunt for food ><)
look nice~ smell mice~ but taste not nice.. =.=
after that, we go Straits Quay. at there we meet vivian's friend- Teng Kok Wah
we play gasing~
we go Charlie Brown Cafe~ (main purpose~)
berry cheese cake
expresso cake
mocha cake
then we go walk walk, take take photos...
we think this is Charlie Brown Cafe owner's car~
moist chocolate cake
this is 豆蔻
rabbit's model ear ring
turtle's pin
our dinner is at 金火锅